The selloff started last week with a flight from government bonds issued by weaker European states. 上周,就在抛售开始的同时,欧洲经济弱国发行了国债。
And ( 6) The actual amount of the company's bonds issued. (六)公司债券的实际发行数额。
The central budget deficit and the volume of treasury bonds issued will be increased. 增加中央财政赤字和国债发行规模。
By contrast, bonds issued by entities with close links to the government have been able to sell easily. 相比之下,和政府有密切联系的实体发行的债券一直都很容易销售。
A large chunk of the buybacks are funded by corporate bonds issued at historically low interest rates. 大部分股票回购的资金来源是企业以极低利率发行的企业债券。
The threat is particularly aimed at 14 per cent of investors who own Greek bonds issued under international law. 这一威胁的矛头尤其指向那些持有根据国际法发行的希腊债券的投资者,他们占全部投资者的14%。
It has already said it will buy bonds issued by agencies such as the KfW, the German development bank, but will this week review the list of agencies whose debt is eligible. 欧洲央行已表示,其将购买德国的开发银行德国复兴信贷银行(KFW)等机构发行的债券,但本周将审议一份合格债务发行机构名单。
Investors have fled from bonds issued by highly indebted countries. 投资者已纷纷逃离负债累累的国家发行的债券。
Bonds payable shall be accounted for based on the face value if the bonds issued. 应付债券应当按照已发行债券的票面价值登记入帐。
Bonds issued by Lehman also lost value Tuesday, pushing some of their interest yields to more than eight percentage points above comparable Treasury securities. 雷曼兄弟所发行债券的价格周二也出现了下跌,这使其某些债券的收益率比同期美国国债高了八个百分点以上。
The World Bank acts as arranger for the bonds issued under the program. 对通过该方案发行的债券,世行扮演着组织安排的角色。
Bonds issued by the EDA would provide the market with a single, liquid and transparent eurozone benchmark bond market, rivalling the US Treasury market. eda发行的债券将提供一个可与美国国债市场相抗衡的单流动且透明的欧元区基准债券市场。
The central bank, he said, could also buy more state bonds issued by other major economies and decrease holdings of US Treasury bills. 他说,中央银行可以多买一些由其它主要经济大国发行的国库券以减少美元的持有量。
Draft rules published yesterday transfer regulatory control over corporate bonds issued by publicly-listed companies from the NDRC to the more liberal securities regulator, the China Securities Regulatory Commission. 昨日公布的法规草案将上市企业公司债的监管权从发改委转移到了更开明的证券监管机构中国证券监督管理委员会(chinasecuritiesregulatorycommission)手中。
Usually only two, is not allowed to discount bonds issued. 一般只有这两种,债券是不允许折价发行的。
The renewal of QE might prove more effective if the bank bought bonds issued by companies and commercial banks, thus directly lowering their borrowing costs. 如果银行买了公司和商业银行发布的债券,这可能表面新一轮量化宽松政策会更有效,从而直接降低他们的借贷成本。
All government bonds issued from 2013 onwards will have collective action clauses. 而2013年之后开始发行的所有政府债券都将带有“集体行动条款”。
A commercial bank shall, according to the regulations of the people's bank, buy the financial bonds issued by policy banks. 商业银行要按照人民银行规定购买政策性银行发行的金融债券。
He says his firm has decreased its exposure to interest-bearing instruments like bonds issued in these markets. 他说,公司已经减持了这些市场发行的证券等附息金融工具。
The value of bonds issued in euros since the beginning of 2006 exceeds that of bonds denominated in dollars. 自2006年初以来,以欧元发行的债券超过了美元计价债券。
China has repeatedly expressed support for the euro and vowed to buy bonds issued by indebted European nations. 中国一再表示支持欧元,并誓言买入债台高筑的欧元区国家的债券。
A person employed to keep a record of the owners of stocks and bonds issued by the company. 被雇来统计持有公司发行的股票和证券股东的人。
While so-called "dim sum" bonds renminbi-denominated bonds issued in Hong Kong have been around since 2007, there have been just over 20 deals so far, as issuance was initially restricted to Chinese financial institutions. 在香港发行的人民币计价债券有“点心债券”之称,尽管这些债券从2007年起就有了,但迄今仅发行了20余宗,因为发行方最初仅限于中国金融机构。
The Treasury will stand ready to buy bonds issued by biggish firms should markets seize up. 如果市场抓住该机会的话,财政部将会准备好去购买大企业发售的债券。
The costs surged of insuring against a default on bonds issued by Bank of America. 日前,美国银行债务违约风险激增。
This thesis studies the domestic bonds issued by Beiyang government. 本文系研究北洋政府内国公债发行问题的学术专题。
A typical face amount is s$ 1000 for bonds issued by the Singapore government; 新加坡政府债券的面值通常是1000元。
A holder of bonds issued by a government or corporation. 持有政府或公司债券的人。
But the interest payments on domestic bonds issued to mop up capital inflows can have a heavy fiscal cost. 但为了冲销资本流入而发行国内债券,为此支付的利息会成为一笔巨额财政成本。